Design Syllabus and Curriculum

Our Curriculum Development team will help schools or centers design their own school curriculum upon request.

We also prepare After School Activities

  • Playgroup
  • Phonics class
  • Oral class
  • Show Choir
  • Drama and Performing Arts
  • Other Innovative Programs
  • (All curriculums are based on Hong Kong Education Levels)

Other Services

  • Set up schools and learning centres in Hong Kong and China
  • HKYAA had provided professional consultantion and assisstance for companies or organizations to establish Kindergartens and Centres
    1. Cultural Sound (Language Center)
    2. The Royal Engoton Internation Kindergarten
    3. Ausie Vegas International Kindergarten
  • Invite overseas professionals/ experts for seminars
  • Design and provide Bridging Courses
  • Organize personal/ group concerts/ events
  • Write English Children story books
  • Compose English Children song books
  • Please contact us at info@hk-yaa.org if you are interested in the said service above